i love food.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

tiddles and toodles.

I like Craig David's new single, I just don't love you no more. Not that it exactly applies to me, not that it even applies to me it's really nice the melody and stuff. Come to think of it, can you imagine if one day the person you are together one day says,"I'm sorry I just don't love you no more." can you imagine how heartbreaking it would be?
And there's this one thing i can't get out of my mind, why the fuck did i do what i did? I was alright, ok maybe not all that right but... Fuck who am i kidding i was psychotic. You know sometimes, I, myself question my own sanity. As in, My own mental health, I'm not exactly the person with a very "fit" mind. I maybe the funny and zany and "retarded" sort of fun person which i guess people like to joke with but sometimes when i'm sad or angry or just unhappy with something, why do I become like that it's like i become a totally crackhead with a tinge of suicidal thoughts. I've yet to figure that maybe i need help. Oh yes, my mum wants to take me to see some psychologist, how interesting. :)

AND my ipod died. :(


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